Thursday, April 19, 2012

Korea's Fashion

Today's fashion world is experiencing rapid growth. all matters relating to Korea must be the current trend. ranging from clothing to makeup, to the song. 
Korean nation at present is the center of fashion, especially for the ladies. predictable style of Korean young people will still be copied to several years. 

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Modis Tanpa Mengorbankan dengan Nilai-Nilai Agama

Perancang busana telah membuat perempuan Muslim melihat keluar untuk pakaian yang terlihat elegan, dan dirancang dengan indah dan menarik pada saat yang sama. Pakaian Islam berwarna memiliki cara tertentu untuk warna jilbab untuk mencocokkan. Tidak hanya itu, para desainer sudah mulai menggunakan bordir, motif, manik-manik dan bahan lainnya untuk menghiasi pakaian tersebut, termasuk Jilbab dan abaya. Pakaian Islam menarik yang dirancang sudah menarik perhatian wanita non muslim juga. olahraga International barang perusahaan.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Africonus Shop launches New product. Suitable for today's teens. many colors, shapes, size

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Shopping is the most in love all people especially the women. Shopping is not just going to place or store to be addressed.
With the sophistication technologi today, the internet is a very suitable choice for shopping.

So we " AFRICONUS SHOP " to provide services across to you that like shopping via the internet.
We provide a wide assortment of items specifically for women distro. The goods we offer varied, ranging from jackets, shirts, blues, shoes, sandals to bags.
Of all types of goods we supply various kinds of sizes,
ranging from the smallest to the largest size.

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